Hirosada, Kataoka Ichikzo as the Ferryman Sanjuro

Konishi Hirosada (ca 1810 - 1864) Kataoka Ichizo as The Ferryman Sanjuro from the play Saonouta Kizugawa Hakkei, 1849. Chuban Triptych.

The plot of Saonouta Kizugawa Hakkei remains unknown to us today. The figure at left is the ferryman Sanjuro played by Kataoka Ichizo, the centre figure of Kizu Kansuke is played by Jitsukawa Ensaburo, and Horiguchi Manemon is played by Ichikawa Ebizo.

The three figures are amassed on a river bank at night, fighting. Behind them in the dark is the shape of a jetty. The three figures are nicely composed, each actor occupying their own space on each sheet but also working together in a rhythmic composition. These night time pieces were a speciality of Hirosada’s and his handling of tone and shade is immensely impressive. The portions of landscape show the increasing influence of Hiroshige on the Osaka School artists - something that was to gain more traction in the later part of the century.

Three sheets, colour and impression are fine, condition is good with some wear to the lower edges.

56cm x 25cm.
